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Current Directory: upstream/ratpoints
= ratpoints =

== Description ==

Michael Stoll's program which searches for rational points on hyperelliptic

== SPKG Maintainers ==

 * Robert Miller

== Upstream Contact ==

 * Author: Michael Stoll
 * Email: [email protected]
 * Website:

== Dependencies ==

 * (GNU) patch

== Special Update/Build Instructions ==

=== Note on SSE2 instructions ===

 * On several architectures, the SSE2 instructions used by ratpoints cause
   compiler errors.  In the case that ratpoints fails to build with SSE2
   instructions enabled, the build is repeated with SSE2 disabled.

== Changelog ==

=== ratpoints-2.1.3.p3 (Leif Leonhardy, March 17th 2012) ===
 * #12682: Patch `Makefile` such that the `CC` (and `INSTALL_DIR`) environment
   variable(s) override(s) the setting in the Makefile.
 * Some clean-up; use `$MAKE` instead of `make`, also install the library
   with `make` (i.e., `$MAKE`) rather than "by hand".
 * TODO:
   - The Makefile has a `test` target; don't know whether we should
     run some tests, and whether it's worth an `spkg-check` script (for
     which we'd presumably have to duplicate the whole `CCFLAGS*` setup).

=== ratpoints-2.1.3.p2 (Jeroen Demeyer, 13 February 2012) ===
 * #12368: Add compiler flag -fnested-functions if and only if it is
   supported by the C compiler.
 * Copy $CFLAGS (which is the standard variable for this) to $CCFLAGS
   (which is what ratpoints uses).

=== ratpoints-2.1.3.p1 (Jaap Spies, 24 Feb 2010) ===
 * #8351 make ratpoints build 64 bit for Open Solaris x64 with SAGE64=yes

=== ratpoints-2.1.3.p0 (William Stein, 14 Feb 2010) ===
 * Include change to spkg-install so that build works on Cygwin,
   a fix that was in (trac #7015), and somehow got lost.  See
   trac #8267.

=== ratpoints-2.1.3 (William Stein, 14 Feb 2010) ===
 * Evidently somebody updated ratpoints to 2.1.3 and didn't
   update the SPKG.txt.  Oops.  See below! jsp

=== ratpoints-2.1.2.p1 (William Stein, 8 July 2009) ===
 * add hgignore
 * fix mistake in spkg-install (!= versus -ne)
 * make work on 64-bit OS X

=== ratpoints-2.1.2 (Robert Miller, 22 April 2009) ===
 * Initial spkg
 * Work around SSE2 build issues by disabling on fail
 * Helped Michael Stoll fix several memory leaks.

=== ratpoints-2.1.3 (Robert Miller, 30 September 2009) ===
 * Updated to 2.1.3
ratpoints-2.1.3.tar.bz20.19 MB2022-02-27 13:02
MD5: 9bf091d1b90132433f0a1fc6b585d024