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Current Directory: upstream/polybori
= PolyBoRi =

== Description ==

The core of PolyBoRi is a C++ library, which provides high-level data
types for Boolean polynomials and monomials, exponent vectors, as well
as for the underlying polynomial rings and subsets of the powerset of
the Boolean variables. As a unique approach, binary decision diagrams
are used as internal storage type for polynomial structures. On top of
this C++-library we provide a Python interface. This allows parsing of
complex polynomial systems, as well as sophisticated and extendable
strategies for Gröbner base computation. PolyBoRi features a powerful
reference implementation for Gröbner basis computation.

==Maintainers ==

 * Martin Albrecht
 * Alexander Dreyer
 * Burcin Eröcal

== Upstream Contact ==

  * Author: The PolyBoRi Team
  * Email:  [email protected] (Michael Brickenstein)
            [email protected] (Alexander Dreyer)
  * Website:

== Dependencies ==

 * GNU patch
 * Python
 * Scons
 * Boost
 * M4RI
 * png/libpng12 (accomplished because Python and M4RI depend on it)
 * libz         (accomplished because Python and libpng depend on it)

== Patches ==

All previously contributed patches were merged upstream.

== Special Files ==

 * - configuration file for PolyBoRi's build system,
               sets local prefix and install paths to Sage directories

== Changelog ==

===  polybori-0.8.3 (Alexander Dreyer, 30 January 2013) ===
 * Updating sources to PolyBoRi's release 0.8.3 (Sage Trac #13989)

===  polybori-0.8.2.p0 (Alexander Dreyer, 30 December 2012) ===
 * Changing unnecessary assertion to exception (Sage Trac #13883)

===  polybori-0.8.2 (Alexander Dreyer, 26 June 2012) ===
 * Updating sources to PolyBoRi's release 0.8.2 (Sage Trac #13124)

=== polybori-0.8.1.p2 (Jeroen Demeyer, 18 May 2012) ===
 * Trac #12963: Disable the Boost testing framework when
   SAGE_FAT_BINARY=yes. This prevents linking against a system
   -lboost_unit_test_framework library (which Sage doesn't provide).
 * Move sources from src/polybori-0.8.1 to src/
 * Small cleanup of SPKG.txt and spkg-install.

=== polybori-0.8.1.p1 (Alexander Dreyer, March 26th, 2012) ===
 * Rebased spkg on polybori-0.8.0.p2 (Sage Trac #12750)
 * Working around broken scons on sun (Sage Trac #12655, comment:29)
 * Added -Wno-long-long to CXXFLAGS (accompanying -std=c++98, comment:55)

=== polybori-0.8.1.p0 (Alexander Dreyer, March 7th, 2012) ===
 * Updating sources to PolyBoRi's release 0.8.1 (Sage Trac #12655)

=== polybori-0.8.0.p2 (Alexander Dreyer, March 26th, 2012) ===
 * Fix scoping/name look-up issue and support flags from the environment

=== polybori-0.8.0.p1 (Alexander Dreyer, September 28th, 2011) ===
 * improved detection of libM4RI flags (backport from upcoming 0.8.1)

=== polybori-0.8.0.p0 (Alexander Dreyer, September 8th, 2011) ===
 * Updating sources to PolyBoRi's release 0.8.0

=== polybori-0.8-rc.p3 (Alexander Dreyer, September 2nd, 2011) ===
 * Updating sources to rc5 and merged with preliminary polybori-0.7.1.p5.spkg

=== polybori-0.8-rc.p2 (Alexander Dreyer, August 17th, 2011) ===
 * Updating sources to rc3 and merged with official polybori-0.7.1.p4.spkg

=== polybori-0.8-rc.p1 (Alexander Dreyer, August 15th, 2011) ===
 * Updating sources to recent release candidate rc2 of PolyBoRi 0.8

=== polybori-0.8-rc.p0 (Alexander Dreyer, August 10th, 2011) ===
 * Updating sources to release candidate of PolyBoRi 0.8

=== polybori-0.8-alpha.p3 (Alexander Dreyer, August 5th, 2011) ===
 * Removing workaround for missing default constructors from sources

=== polybori-0.8-alpha.p2 (Alexander Dreyer, August 4th, 2011) ===
 * Updating sources to PolyBoRi 0.8 alpha1

=== polybori-0.8-alpha.p1 (Alexander Dreyer, July 15th, 2011) ===
 * First working Version of the PolyBoRi 0.8 spkg

=== polybori-0.7.1.p6 (Alexander Dreyer, 19 September, 2011) ===
 * #11574: add -msse2 only of __M4RI_HAVE_SSE2 is defined *and* nonzero

=== polybori-0.7.1.p5 (Alexander Dreyer, 28 August, 2011) ===
 * #11574: add -msse2 option to compile flags if m4ri uses sse2

=== polybori-0.7.1.p4 (Alexander Dreyer, August 9th, 2011) ===
 * Rebased on polybori-0.7.0.p4

=== polybori-0.7.0.p4 (Jeroen Demeyer, 8 August 2011) ===
 * Trac #11664: Make all files world-readable

=== polybori-0.7.1.p3 (Alexander Dreyer, April 27th, 2011) ===
 * Another backport from 0.8: use jinja2 for plotting (if available)

=== polybori-0.7.1.p2 (Alexander Dreyer, April 27th, 2011) ===
 * Rebase on Sage 4.7's official spkg for PolyBoRi 0.7-0

=== polybori-0.7.1.p1 (Alexander Dreyer, April 27th, 2011) ===
 * Backporting fix for compatibility with new M4RI from PolyBoRi 0.8

=== polybori-0.7.1.p0 (Alexander Dreyer, April 27th, 2011) ===
 * Upgrading sources to PolyBoRi 0.7.1  (#12261)

=== polybori-0.7.0.p3 (Alexander Dreyer, May 13th, 2011) ===
 * Fixed building on OS X 10.4 PPC G4  (#11331)

=== polybori-0.7.0.p2 (Alexander Dreyer, March 30th, 2011) ===
 * Fixed building on OpenSolaris with gcc-4.6.0 (#11083)

=== polybori-0.7.0.p1 (Alexander Dreyer, March 8th, 2011) ===
 * backporting a bugfix

=== polybori-0.7.0.p0 (Alexander Dreyer, February 25th, 2011) ===
 * fixing SIGSEGVs

=== polybori-0.7.0 (Martin Albrecht, February 18th, 2011) ===
 * New upstream release.

=== polybori-0.6.4.p6 (undocumented, September 9th, 2010) ===

=== polybori-0.6.4.p5 (Alexander Dreyer, August 20th, 2010) ===
 * Backporting a fix from upcoming PolyBoRi 0.7 which allows linking
   PolyBoRi as dynmaic library (#9768).

=== polybori-0.6.4.p4 (Alexander Dreyer, August 10th, 2010) ===
 * Importing PolyBoRi patches from upstream mercurial to fix
   interaction with external M4RI library (#9717)

=== polybori-0.6.4.p3 (Martin Albrecht, August 10th, 2010) ===
 * Applying a patch by Alexander Dreyer to fix error in some crypto
   example (#9717)

=== polybori-0.6.4.p2 (Leif Leonhardy, July 10th, 2010) ===
 * Removed Michael Abshoff from maintainer list (see #7738)
 * Deleted Boost source tree again since it was split off into a separate
   spkg (see below, 0.5.rc.p7), modified spkg-install accordingly
 * Deleted M4RI source tree, because it is a standard Sage package
 * Little clean-up and minor fixes in patches/
   - Note that CFLAGS etc. are still *overwritten* rather than modified!
 * Updated "Dependencies" section above

=== polybori-0.6.4.p1 (Mike Hansen, May 26th, 2010) ===
 * Added a patch to make PolyBoRi build on Cygwin (#7337)

=== polybori-0.6.4 (Burcin Erocal and Alexander Dreyer, March 12th, 2010) ===
 * upgraded to current upstream release
 * removed obsolete patches (SConstruct, cpu_stats.c)
 * removed obsolete work arounds (delete shared libraries and touch pbori.pyx)

=== polybori-0.6.3-r1647-20091028 (Martin Albrecht, October 29th, 2009) ===
 * upgraded to current mercurial tip (which did pass the PolyBoRi testsuite last night)

=== polybori-0.6.3-20090827 (Martin Albrecht, August 27th, 2009) ===
 * create flags.conf if it doesnt exist

=== polybori-0.6.3-20090825 (Martin Albrecht, August 25th, 2009) ===
 * fixes for solaris

=== polybori-0.6.3-20090820 (Martin Albrecht, August 20th, 2009) ===
 * fixing a few performance bottlenecks

=== polybori-0.6.3-20090728 (Martin Albrecht, July 28th, 2009) ===
 * new upstream release
 * lots of refactoring

=== polybori-0.5rc.p7 (Michael Abshoff, May 15th, 2009) ===
 * Split cropped boost from the PolyBori.spkg

=== polybori-0.5rc.p6 (Michael Abshoff, November 30th, 2008) ===
 * Apply patch by Alexander Dreyer to fix manpage permission issues (#4321)
 * Fix permission issues for boost includes

=== polybori-0.5rc.p4 (Michael Abshoff, September 9th, 2008) ===
 * only force a rebuild of the PolyBoRi extension if the Sage library has been installed

=== polybori-0.5rc.p3 (Michael Abshoff, September 7th, 2008) ===
 * Delete dynamic libs to force static linking
 * touch pbori.pyx to force a rebuild of the extension

=== polybori-0.5rc.p2 (Michael Abshoff, September 6th, 2008) ===
 * Backport PolyBoRi 0.3.x fixes

=== polybori-0.5rc.p1 (Martin Albrecht, September 1st, 2008) ===
 * make PolyBoRi use the dynamic libm4ri

=== polybori-0.5rc.p0 (Martin Albrecht, September 1st, 2008) ===
 * fixed build problems.

=== polybori-0.5rc (Tim Abbott, Jul 10, 2008) ===
 * update to PolyBoRi-0.5rc release.
 * Remove patches for problems fixed upstream.

=== polybori-0.3.1.p3 (Michael Abshoff, William Stein, May 17, 2008) ===
 * cygwin support by patching cpu_stat.c  (this should be upstreamed)
 * Cygwin support by modifying SConstruct

=== polybori-0.3.1.p2 (Michael Abshoff, April 26th, 2008) ===
 * remove dead link (fixes #3017)

=== polybori-0.3.1.p1 (Michael Abshoff, April 11th, 2008) ===
 * Update CCuddCore.h - fixes memory leak (Alexander Dreyer - see #2822)
 * Fix "Invalid read" cause by linking multiple dynamic libraries (Michael Abshoff, #2822
 * add -fPIC to the default build flags in

=== polybori-0.3.1.p0 (Michael Abshoff, April 9th, 2008) ===
 * add debug info the the default build flags
 * fix OSX 10.4 specific build issue (#2865)

=== polybori-0.3.1 (Burcin Erocal) ===
 * update to PolyBoRi-0.3.1 release
 * remove patches required for the previous version
 * reset hg repository

=== polybori-0.1-r7 (Ralf-Philipp Weinmann) ===
 * pulled in memleak fix in groebner/src/ from PolyBoRi repo
 * comment changes on precomputed Groebner base tables pulled in from repo
   these remove claims about possible patents.

=== polybori-0.1-r6 (Michael Abshoff) ===
 * add ENV = os.environ to SConstruct (fixes #1553)

=== prior releases ===
 * lost in the dark ages
polybori-0.8.3.tar.bz21.49 MB2013-05-02 22:24
MD5: 0022954d595f09684fd7113325d9bbfd
polybori-0.8.2.tar.bz21.55 MB2013-05-02 22:24
MD5: 6a52fd42412a8b2bdfb4178c6e1e0cda