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Current Directory: upstream/libfplll
= libfplll =

== Description ==

fplll is a code distributed under the LGPL that LLL-reduces euclidean lattices.
Since version 3, it can also solve the shortest vector problem.


== License ==
 * LGPL V2.1+

== SPKG Maintainers ==
 * Martin Albrecht

== Upstream Contact ==
 * Damien Stehlé ([email protected])

== Dependencies ==
 * gmp
 * mpfr

== Changelog ==

=== libfplll-4.0.4 (Jean-Pierre Flori, 30 May 2013) ===
 * #12835: update to version 4.0.4.
 * Removed dpe.h patch which has been integrated upstream.

=== libfplll-3.0.12.p3 (Jean-Pierre Flori, 6 December 2012) ===
 * #13804: Disable parallel build and install on Cygwin.
 * Clean up spkg-install and spkg-check.

=== libfplll-3.0.12.p2 (Simon King, 10th December 2011) ===
 * #12131: Use --libdir, to make the package work on openSUSE.

=== libfplll-3.0.12.p1 (David Kirkby and Willem Jan Palenstijn, 14th July 2010) ===
 * #7864 "libfplll tries to link 64-bit objects to 32-bit"
   Since setting CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to include the compiler option -m64
   was not resulting in a successful 64-bit build of libfplll on OpenSolaris,
   another approach had to be taken. The changes redefined CC and CXX.
   For most users, the changes will set CC="gcc -m64", CXX="g++ -m64"
   if the environment variable SAGE64 is set to "yes", though neither
   the compilers nor the compiler option for building 64-bit binaries
   is hard-coded - they can be overridden by environment
   variables. The changes allow a 64-bit version of libfplll to be built
   on Solaris 10 on SPARC and OpenSolaris on x64.
 * #7738 Removed Michael Abshoff as a package maintainer, as he no longer works
   on the Sage project.

=== libfplll-3.0.12.p0 (Michael Abshoff, May 20th, 2009) ===
 * Patch dpe.h with a Solaris specific compile workaround.

=== libfplll-3.0.12 (Michael Abshoff, May 12th, 2009) ===
 * update to latest upstream

=== libfplll-3.0.11 (Michael Abshoff, May 7th, 2009) ===
 * update to latest upstream
 * remove Debian dist files
 * add spkg-check script

=== libfplll-3.0.7 (Michael Abshoff, September 30th, 2008) ===
 * update to latest upstream. The license has changed from GPL V2+ to LGPL V2.1+
 * remove all workarounds but the dpe.h once for Solaris. The three other fixes have been upstreamed

=== libfplll-2.1.6-20071129.p5 (Michael Abshoff, September 24th, 2008) ===
 * Fix Solaris 10 build with more elegant solution to the missing round() problem

=== libfplll-2.1.6-20071129.p4 (William Stein / Michael Abshoff, May 17th, 2008) ===
 * Cygwin -- compile fix (do same as on sun to fplll.h)

=== libfplll-2.1.6-20071129.p3 (Michael Abshoff, April 15th, 2008) ===
 * gcc 4.3. compile fix

=== libfplll-2.1.6-20071129.p2 (Michael Abshoff, March 23rd, 2008) ===
 * fix wrong Debian build dependency (Tim Abbott, #2657)
 * clean up SPKG.txt
 * add 64 bit MacOSX build support (#1006)
 * verify that SAGE_LOCAL is defined (#633)

=== libfplll-2.1.6-20071129.p0 (Michael Abshoff, Jan. 28th, 2008) ===
 * Solaris 9 build fixes

=== 2007-11-08 (Michael Abshoff) ===
 * fix #1126

===  2007-10-24 (Martin Albrecht) ===
 * initial version

fplll-5.1.0.tar.gz1.14 MB2017-03-26 14:55
MD5: f913b88e06a0827503159232eea3d2a5
fplll-5.0.3rc0.tar.gz1.63 MB2016-10-03 18:35
MD5: b457c99950de200240596abf0368b70a
libfplll-20160331.tar.gz0.47 MB2016-04-22 14:51
MD5: 661440d1249e1f8d6346ab91a8658de6
libfplll-20160107.tar.bz20.92 MB2016-01-14 23:46
MD5: 281bbe2b95572401b6cd5264b5694863
libfplll-20151201.tar.bz20.91 MB2015-12-15 12:15
MD5: fcb479b344f1170d368512b1fe85391b
libfplll-4.0.4.tar.bz20.32 MB2013-06-20 00:45
MD5: db4b1aa57ff3068992d4ea2ab5371a9e
libfplll-3.0.12.tar.bz20.28 MB2013-05-02 22:24
MD5: 63e8e617b61f30ff28aa5fc038be496f